Relationship and every up and down surrounding relationship, Goddess brings you compact ebooks by Goddess and sessions to help you discover your love, rekindle an old relationship or marriage; Everything about open marriage and connection, and how to get over a toxic relationship.

Becoming something even better than you imagined. Our e-book and Session is a beneficial experience when you see yourself evolving. Additionally, we will be your caring partners, friends, and well-wishers. So, you will gain a new perspective, thoughts, and a new way of seeing yourself and relationship. And In my role as your coach, mentor, and virtual assistant, I will assist you in achieving your goals. is your ultimate guide to navigating the complexities of relationships and the issues that surround them. In a world where connections form the very fabric of our lives, understanding and fostering healthy relationships are essential for our overall well-being and happiness. At, we recognize that every relationship is unique and comes with its own set of challenges. Our mission is to provide you with a comprehensive resource that delves deep into the intricacies of romantic partnerships, friendships, family dynamics, and everything in between. We strive to help you build strong and meaningful connections by addressing the common hurdles that people face in relationships, such as communication issues, trust, compatibility, and conflict resolution.

Our team of experts and experienced writers share their knowledge, insights, and practical advice, empowering you to navigate the exciting yet sometimes turbulent waters of love and companionship. Whether you're single and seeking, in a committed relationship, or looking to strengthen existing bonds, is your go-to destination for guidance, support, and inspiration. Join us on this journey of self-discovery, growth, and connection, as we explore the various aspects of love and relationships in today's ever-evolving landscape. Welcome aboard Goddess , where together, we'll chart a course towards healthier, happier, and more fulfilling relationships in all aspects of our lives.

“Live like it’s heaven on the earth.” Sing like no one is listening, love like it’s never been hurt, and dance like there are no observers, in order to live as if it were heaven on earth.”

  • One-third of adults have never been married or cohabited with another individual.

  • In addition, the life expectancy of married men and women is better than that of unmarried individuals.

  • And on average, married people live less stressful lives and take better care of themselves than single people.

  • The majority of single Westerners are not by choice, but because they have difficulty finding and maintaining relationships.

  • So Approximately 30% of Westerners are single at any given time.

  • And Wealth imbalances can be troublesome but only if one party could not survive on its own.

  • There is a perception that social media is an unwelcome third wheel among 24 percent of people And

  • Relationships are still dominated by monogamy.

  • When the brain sees the love of its life, it starts reacting in one-fifth of a second.

  • So, a person who catches feelings can forget themselves (not in a good way).

  •  After 25 years together, the couple looks more similar than ever before.